Наукова бібліотека

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. І. Пирогова

Bases of Dentistry [Text] : textbook for students of higher med. education establishments with III-VIth levels of accreditation / V. O. Malanchuk [et al.] ; ed. O. M. Malanchuk. — Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2018. — 616 p. — Rec. by the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine.

In work of General Practitioner / Doctor of Family Medicine occur situations when it is necessary to get advice of a professional Dentist and set diagnosis and provide emergency dental care immediately, particularly in such diseases as acute pulpitis, periodontitis, abscesses, phlegmon of maxillofacial area, and in cases of maxillofacial trauma. The material presented in the textbook corresponds to the new Program “Basics of Dentistry” and “Educational-Qualification Characteristic of Specialist”. Diseases and their treatment presented in this textbook are described at the level sufficient not only for students but also for beginning General Practitioners / Doctors of Family Medicine. The textbook is intended for students of Medical, Medical Care, Pediatric and Pharmaceutical Departments of higher medical institutions with IVlh level of accreditation.