Наукова бібліотека

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. І. Пирогова

Dental-Prosthetic Technique [Text] : textbook / M. M. Rozhko [et al.] ; ed.: M. M. Rozhko, V. P. Nespriydko. — Kiev : Book-plus, 2016. — 560 p.

Textbook presents organization of work of dental technical laboratory, material supply and providing of dental technical production, modern material knowledge, clinical-laboratory stages in production of all spectrum of orthopedic constructions and the questions of labour protection. Sections of textbook correspond educational programs of training of dental technicians and stomatologists approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Textbook is accompanied by the vast illustrative materials. For students of stomatological faculties, intership doctors, clinical staff physicians, postgraduate students, stomatologists and dental technicians/