Наукова бібліотека

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. І. Пирогова

Family medicine [Text] : in 3 books : national textbook / O. M. Hyrina [et al.] ; ed.: O. M. Hyrina, L. M. Pasiyeshvili. — Kyiv : Medicine, 2016 — . — ISBN 978-617-505-493-2. Book 1 : General issues of family medicine. — 2016. — 560 p.

The book explores the theoretical basis of family medicine. It also seeks to analyze the social preconditions of the need for family medicine, the main aspects of the family doctor's practice, the working process problems as well as the means to solve them. The book summarizes years of experience in teaching family medicine at leading medical universities of Ukraine. The authors outline modern views in general practice and the concept of its devel-opment; describes the organization of outpatient care in the most widespread diseases of the therapeutic profile; study the methods of providing emergency assistance in life-threatening conditions. The textbook provides information on the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, prophylactic medical observation, examination of incapacity for work, which will allow the doctor to properly assess symptoms, determine a list of diseases for differential diagnosis, and in future — to formulate a diagnosis and plan treatment and rehabilitation activities.