Наукова бібліотека

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. І. Пирогова

Gault Janice A. Ophthalmology secrets in colour / Janice A. Gault, James F. Vander . — 4th ed. — Philadelphia : Elsevier, 2016. — XIV, 445 p. : il.

Portable and high yield, Ophthalmology Secrets in Color is perfect for use in clerkships, for exam prep, or as a handy clinical reference. From basic science to problems of the aging eye, it covers everything you need to stay abreast of the latest in this broad specialty. A bestselling volume in the popular Secret Series®, its Q&A format, helpful lists and tables, and informal tone combine to make reference fast, easy, and enjoyable.


