Наукова бібліотека

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. І. Пирогова

Misulis, Karl E. Netter’s Concise Neurology / K. E. Misulis, T. C. Head ; ill. F. H. Netter. — updated ed. — Philadelphia : Elsevier, 2017. — XIX, 555 p. : il.

More than 200 exquisite, hand-painted illustrations - created by, and in the style of, master medical illustrator Frank H. Netter, MD - capture the essential clinical aspects of over 200 major neurologic disorders seen in hospital and office practice

With its masterful combination of artwork, succinct text, and tables, and its compact format, Netter's Concise Neurology delivers quick and convenient access to vital clinical knowledge!

